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Process ∀Doc



Veryfi's Process ∀Doc endpoint allows you to submit and extract data from unstructured documents (such as Contracts, Articles of Incorporation and others) and turn them into valuable business insights.



    file_data string

    Used to upload a document via base64 encoded string, could be raw or data URI scheme. This is the least effective way to upload a document for processing. See file_urls or uploading zip files.

    file_url string

    A URL to a publicly accessible document to be sent to Veryfi for processing.

    file_urls string[]

    An array of URLs to publicly accessible documents to be sent to Veryfi for processing.

    package_path string

    A path to a file in an S3 bucket, e.g. 'some/receipt.jpg

    bucket string

    An S3 bucket for 'package_path', e.g. 'documents'.

    file_name string

    An optional filename. Useful to determine file type.

    max_pages_to_process integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 50

    Default value: 20

    The number of pages to process for the document. The limit is 50 pages per document.

    template_name stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    The name of the extraction templates.


The processed document.

    pdf_url uri

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 2083 characters

    A signed URL to access the auto-generated PDF created from the submitted document. This URL expires 15 minutes after the response object is returned and is resigned during every GET request.

    id integerrequired

    The unique number created to identify the document.

    created_date date-timerequired
    updated_date date-timerequired
    img_thumbnail_url uri

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 2083 characters

    A signed URL to access the auto-generated thumbnail created for the submitted document. This URL expires 15 minutes after the response object is returned and is resigned during every GET request.

    template_name stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    The template name which was used to extract the data.

    external_id string

    Possible values: non-empty

    A custom identification value. Use this if you would like to assign your own ID to documents. This parameter is useful when mapping this document to a service or resource outside Veryfi.

    property name* any