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Get a Any Document



Retrieve a previously processed blueprinted document.


Path Parameters

    document_id int64required

    The unique identifier of the document.


The processed Document.

    pdf_url uri

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 2083 characters

    A signed URL to access the auto-generated PDF created from the submitted document. This URL expires 15 minutes after the response object is returned and is resigned during every GET request.

    img_thumbnail_url uri

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 2083 characters

    A signed URL to access the auto-generated thumbnail created for the submitted document. This URL expires 15 minutes after the response object is returned and is resigned during every GET request.

    id integerrequired

    The unique number created to identify the Document.

    created_date date-timerequired

    The date and time the document was first submitted and processed in ISO 8601.

    template_name stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    The template name which was used to extract the data.
