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Get Bank Statements



Veryfi's Get Bank Statements returns a collection of previously processed Bank Statements.


Query Parameters

    page integer

    Default value: 1

    The page number. The response is capped to maximum of 50 results per page.

    page_size integer

    Default value: 50

    The number of Documents per page.

    Example: 10
    detailed boolean

    This field was deprecated on 2023-08-20. Use bounding_boxes and confidence_details.

    bounding_boxes boolean

    A field used to determine whether or not to return bounding_box and bounding_region for extracted fields in the Document response.

    confidence_details boolean

    A field used to determine whether or not to return the score and ocr_score fields in the Document response.


Returns a collection of previously processed Bank Statements.

    count integerrequired

    The total number of results retrieved across all pages.

    next stringrequired

    The URL to the next page of results.

    previous stringrequired

    The URL to the previous page of results.

    results object[]required

    A collection of previously processed Bank Statement objects.

  • Array [
  • pdf_url uri

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 2083 characters

    A signed URL to access the auto-generated PDF created from the submitted document. This URL expires 15 minutes after the response object is returned and is resigned during every GET request.

    id integerrequired

    The unique number created to identify the document.

    account_holder_address string

    The address of the account holder.

    account_holder_name string

    The name of the account holder.

    account_number string

    The account number associated with the bank statement.

    account_type string

    The type of account associated with the bank statement.

    bank_address string

    The address of the bank.

    bank_name string

    The name of the bank.

    bank_website string

    The URL for the website of the bank.

    beginning_balance number

    The balance at the beginning of the statement period.

    due_date date

    The date the payment is due in ISO 8601 format.

    ending_balance number

    The balance at the end of the statement period.

    minimum_due number

    The minimum amount due for the statement period.

    period_end_date date

    The end date of the statement period in ISO 8601 format.

    period_start_date date

    The start date of the statement period in ISO 8601 format.

    routing_number string

    The routing number associated with the bank statement.

    statement_date date

    The date of the statement in ISO 8601 format.

    statement_number string

    The unique identifier associated with the bank statement.

    transactions object[]required

    A list of transactions associated with the bank statement.

  • Array [
  • order integerrequired

    The value indicating the position of where the transaction appears on the bank statement.

    account_number string

    The account number associated with the bank statement.

    balance number

    The balance after any credit or debits have been applied from this transaction.

    card_number string

    A credit card number associated with this transaction.

    credit_amount number

    The amount credited from this transaction.

    date date

    The date of the transaction in ISO 8601 format.

    debit_amount number

    The amount debited from this transaction.

    description string

    The description of the transaction.

    transaction_id string

    The unique identifier of the transaction.

    text stringrequired

    The OCR text extracted from the transaction.

  • ]
  • currency_code string

    The currency code associated with the bank statement.

  • ]