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Error Responses

Below is a full list of all possible Veryfi REST API error codes and messages.

Veryfi HTTP API Error Responses

Errors codes are returned in the standard HTTP format. Any additional information is included in the JSON-formatted body of the response.

Status CodeMessagePossible CausePossible Solution
400File is corrupted.Invalid image.Confirm that the image sent for processing is not corrupted.
400The file type is not supported for this endpoint.The image sent for processing is unsupported by the product.Confirm in the documentation that the file meets the requirements for the product. You can also check the FAQ for file requirements and supported file types.
400Couldn't download file from provided url.Invalid url.Confirm that the provided image URLs are valid and publicly addressable.
400Received empty or missing data.The file may be too big, empty, or not found.Confirm in the documentation that the file meets the requirements for the product. You can also check the FAQ for file requirements and supported file types.
400Missing or bad parameters / malformed parameters.Missing one or more of the following parameters:
  • id
  • file
  • file_date
  • file_url
  • file_urls
  • package_path
and must be applied.
Check the details object response for the specific parameter that is missing.
401Not AuthorizedRequest failed to get authenticated.Confirm that you have successfully authenticated with the Veryfi API.
403This action is only allowed to company admins.The partner making the request does not meet the access type requirements to perform this action.Reach out to your account owner to confirm that you have the correct access type credentials to perform the attempted request.
403CLIENT-ID header is missing.CLIENT-ID is missing in the request header.Add the correct CLIENT-ID to your request header. Confirm that you have successfully authenticated with the Veryfi API.
403This action is not allowed.Creating an HTTP Request using an unsupported verb on a resource such as

A PUT request on /Checks
Confirm in the documentation that you are performing the correct request on the endpoint.
429Too many bad requests.Exceeded request quota.See rate limits and throttling documentation to learn more.
500Failed to process documents.The image submitted for upload may be invalid.Confirm in the documentation that the file meets the requirements for the product. You can also check the FAQ for file requirements and supported file types.
503Service temporarily unavailable, try again later.Service may be under maintenance.Confirm in the documentation that the file meets the requirements for the product. You can also check the FAQ for file requirements and supported file types.

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